Friday, January 9, 2015

Guerilla gift drop from author @Rhys_Ford!! #ColeMcGinnis #Freebie

A message from bestselling author, and one of my personal favorites, Rhys Ford:

So a funny thing happened on the way to a tweet, Greg Tremblay, the fantastic narrator of my Dirty series, texted me and said… hey, you should giveaway a custom ringtone. Or something to that effect. There was some discussion. A few emails and then well, long story short—there may have been some pixilated shots of whiskey and banter but a plan was formed. A plan so cunning I could have stuck a tail on it and called it a weasel.

Mostly, it involved Greg. And your phone. But it was still a plan!

After a furious, intense process of queries, eliminations, debating on who said what, we came up with a set of phrases from Cole, Bobby, Jae, Claudia, Scarlet and one from Maddy then Greg went to work. And returned to me with a brilliant sound bites forged by a narrative master—in the style of the characters’ voices.

So dear reader, as a thank you for everything you’ve done for Greg and me, I’d like to present the entire set of ringtones—twenty one in total—FREE, as a gift to you.

Available in Android (MP3) and iPhone (formats for Android and Apple phones, Greg has also graciously included the WAV files if that’s your thing. Download links to the zipped files are provided below.*

A great humongous thank you to all of the blogs who helped me with this guerilla gifting. This swirled up on Tuesday and Greg just MADE it happen. He is the voice of the series and I am forever grateful for his talent.

Love you all, and really, Thank You.
Rhys Ford

If you’ve not tried out Greg Tremblay’s narrations, please do so. He makes audiobooks fun and damn, he brings Cole and the others to life.

Greg Tremblay’s body of work can be found here—and yes, the Dirty series is there but so are many other lovely audio books. I highly recommend one of Greg’s audiobooks, a comfy chair, a pair of headphones and a nice hot cup of coffee… or tea… with or without whisky.

* These are copyrighted and available free for individual use. The files included in the zip cannot be sold by third parties nor can they be altered in anyway as to destroy the integrity of the original work. Animals were test subjects for these sound files and while the cat could not have given less of a shit, the dog seemed mighty interested. Please note, neither own nor use a phone or a computer so results may vary.

In case the full links are needed:

Dirty Rings Android MP3

Dirty Rings Apple M4a

Dirty Rings Apple M4r

Dirty Rings Wav

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Cover reveal & news! JUST A LITTLE NUDGE

This book doesn't come out until February 17th, 2015, but I love the cover too much to not share it with you lovely folks. Just a Little Nudge is a 40,000 word novella, and the start to a new psy agents series. It takes place in the same world as the Arcadia series, and you will see some characters crossover, but it is definitely not for a young adult audience! Think of it as an adult spin-off series.

Book description:

Marley Sexton never aspired to be a stripper. She even chose the stage name Misty Showers as a joke, thinking she’d make a few quick bucks and move on to greener pastures. Three years later, Marley’s still stripping. It’s the only job she can land that will put a dent in her mother’s mounting medical bills.

It’s also the only job where she feels justified parting fools from their money with a little talent she calls nudging.

As psychic powers go, nudging isn’t impressive. Marley can’t get people to do anything they’re not already inclined to do. Useful for making a seedy customer grab a larger bill from his wallet, but not strong enough to ditch a drug cartel that’s on her tail.

Marley is in over her head. She’s not big on trusting people, especially a strange man with a gun, a badge, and a story that doesn’t quite add up. JC Moreno figures out that Marley may have taken the nudge a little too far. But how? Whoever the guy actually works for, one thing’s for certain. He has a history with the cartel and an agenda of his own. Although the suspicion between Marley and JC runs both ways, maybe they can work together to both get what they want…if they don’t get killed in the process.

**** Recommended for ages 17+. Contains naughty things like f-bombs, violence and sex. ****

Want to read it before 2/17/15? Just a Little Nudge will be included in the Psychic Storm bundle with nine other awesome urban fantasy authors, which releases on 2/3/15. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

New Release! WHAT THE HEART DESIRES by @Kelli_McCracken. #AmReading

╰☆╮Book Release Party╰☆╮

What the Heart Desires 
(Soulmate Series, Book 4)
by Kelli McCracken


Torn by desire, will loving her mean the death of him?

Dylan McBride's Seeker abilities have always kept him a step ahead of his father. But one step isn't enough when it comes to his wife and child. His confrontation with his father leaves him questioning everything he knows, from his life with Heaven, to his part in the Supreme Trinity.

Layne is growing stronger, as is his Seeker. The more time he and Heaven share, the more he's able to control his Keeper abilities. But when new secrets emerge, he's forced to face the truth, as well as the emotions he keeps buried.

Among the death threats, constant hiding, and birth of her child, Heaven struggles to keep the peace between her soulmate and Keeper. More lies are exposed, threatening to destroy all that she loves. Will she be able to deny the truth once it's discovered, or will she give in to What the Heart Desires?


What the Heart Wants (Soulmate Series Book 1)

What the Heart Needs (Soulmate Series Book 2)

What the Heart Takes (Soulmate Series Book 3)

Author Bio

Kelli McCracken’s love affair with books began long before she could read. She didn’t let anything stop her from creating stories, even as a child.
That same passion still exists within her today. She is an artist by nature, a curator of characters. Kelli McCracken does her best to give each story and character great depth.

“It seems like all I do is write…and listen to Layne. He’s constantly whispering something naughty in my ear, like being dipped in chocolate. Now I want a Kit-Kat. Welcome to my zany life, where #SanityIsOptional, romance is required, and liquor is most definitely quicker. I love talking about my characters. Hope you like hearing about them.”

When she isn’t chasing kids, working on crafts, or sneaking off with a bottle of wine, Kelli spends her time writing.  Of course, it can’t be all work and no play. Once procrastination strikes,  you can usually find her hanging out on Facebook, Pinterest, or Spotify. Be sure to stop by and say hi. She loves chatting with readers.


Kelli McCracken’s Website:
Kelli McCracken’s Facebook Page:

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Audio Book Review: FEARLESS by @Tawdra

Every gift has consequences. . .

Tasmyn Vaughn didn't expect much when her dad's job moved them to a small town in Florida; it was just another new school. But King is a town founded by magic and steeped in mystery, and soon Tasmyn's ability to hear others' thoughts is the least of her worries.

There's Ms. Lacusta, the science teacher who just might be teaching more than chemistry, and then there's Nell Massler, the ultimate mean girl whose extracurricular activities include blood rituals. And she wants Tasmyn's blood next.

Entangled in a web of first love, quirky and secretive townsfolk, magic and blood spells, she discovers the town's secrets aren't just bizarre, they're deadly.

I listened to the audio version of this book. It's an excellent start to a fun YA series. The history of the town is really cool, and I can see how this can feed into many fun plot lines with unique characters. I almost wish more was done with the whole carney thing, but this is just the first book, and I'm sure we will get more of that later.

The love story between Tas & Michael was a little rushed for me, but that might be because I am a little tired of the whole "soulmates" thing. But teens do tend to fall in love quickly, so maybe I'm just being a crotchety old lady. I do have to say that the author did a great job of creating an emotional chemistry, while still keeping to a heat level that is appropriate for a YA audience.

Best of all, the writing of this story was really solid. There is nothing worse that poor editing pulling me out of a story, even in an audio format. That never happened here.

I hope the rest of the series makes it to audio!

Overall, I give FEARLESS...

Plot - 4 1/2 bookmarks
Character Development - 4 1/2 bookmarks
Love Story - 3 (Sorry, I'm jaded. You kids better get off my lawn!)
Narration - 4 1/2 bookmarks
Concept - 5 bookmarks

Dream Cast (otherwise known as who I pictured while reading) - Sophie Turner (Tasmyn), Hunter Parrish (Michael), Madalina Diana Ghenea (Ms. Lacusta), Lucy Hale (Nell)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Sex, Consent & Witch Hunts.

I've subscribed to Alex Day's YouTube channel for a few years. I found him smart and humorous. Recently, there has been a lot of controversy over his alleged mistreatment (not the right word, but close) of girls that he has had sexual dealings with. A few girls have come forward on social media to say they felt pressured by Alex, and they did not feel they could say no. Alex has responded by saying he had no idea at the time that these girls were not as into it as he had been. I have two things to say about this.

First, we all need to have more discussion about the meaning of consent. If you are in a situation with another person that you do not want to be in, you have a responsibility to say NOPlease understand that you always have the right to say no, even if you have said yes before in the past. 

On the flip-side, it is not enough that your sexual partner "didn't say no". They need to give you an enthusiastic YES. If the person you are with does not seem as into it as you are, stop and ask. If you are not comfortable enough to talk about sex with your partner, you have no business having sex with them.

Second, beware of witch-hunts. There are three sides to every story - his perception, her perception and the truth. I do not know what that truth is, or where the truth falls on the spectrum between his side and hers, nor is it for me to judge. Unless you were a witness to the behavior, how can you judge? So if you don't like Alex anymore, then don't watch his videos, but be careful when you are using social media to bully people. Karma has a way of ricocheting on you.

Will I continue watching Alex's videos and supporting him? I don't know. But I'm hoping this situation will lead to more discussion over these two issues. Charlie McDonnell recently posted this very honest video on the issue of consent. I hope you will take a few moments to watch it and share.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Review: ROOK by @jcandrijeski 5 Star psychic read!

The world is dying. Everyone feels it, and yet, no one knows.
They said that when the end was near, a Bridge would come, and lead them out of the darkness of that dying world.
Allie Taylor's life was relatively normal...
Until Revik showed up.
And told her she was that Bridge.

ROOK: Allie's War Episodes 1-4

"You are the Bridge..."

Like most humans, Allie spent her life distancing herself from Seers, a race of human-like beings discovered on Earth in the early 1900s. Then she catches her boyfriend in the arms of a hot band groupie, and Allie goes from San Francisco artist slacker to the girl wearing the GPS anklet.

That's the least of her problems, though, compared to the shock of discovering who--and what--she really is.

Yanked out of her life by the mysterious Revik, Allie finds out that her blood may not be as "human" as she always thought. Through Revik she learns the truth: that Seers are nothing like she thought, that the world is nothing like it appears to be...and she has far more in common with Seers than she ever wanted to believe.

This book is so different from what I normally read, but damn, I was glad I picked it up! I started reading it on a Friday night, and could barely put it down long enough to sleep. The story has a metaphysical bent, making it different than other urban fantasy books, almost giving it a sci-fi feel. The psychics are not exactly human. The world-building is rich and beautifully complicated. Must have taken the author forever to flesh it all out.  

I grew to really love Allie. Everything Allie knew about herself and the world was shattered over night. But Allie handled it well, I thought. You could see her mature into a woman over the course of the book.

I enjoyed reading about the relationship between Allie and Revik. There is no insta-love here. Revik kind of treated her like crap by not explaining things well to her and having too high of expectations for her. I struggled between wanting to both strangle and kiss him at the same time. The chemistry grows to a slow burn over the course of the four episodes. In fact, even by the end of Rook, they still are not 100% solid. I love that because their relationship feels more realistic to me. You can’t expect people to fall madly in love while the world is crumbling around you.

Overall, I give Rook...

Plot - 4 1/2 bookmarks
Originality - 12 bookmarks (I don’t care if it is only a 1-5 scale. This was so inventive!)
Character development - 5 bookmarks
Romance - 4 bookmarks (only because it is still growing)

Dream cast (otherwise known as who I pictured while reading) - Goran Visnjic (Revik), Rooney Mara (Allie), Olivia Munn (Cass), Dave Franco (Jon), Aaron Eckhart (President Caine)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Pre-Order the final book in the Arcadia series. Releases 9/30! #AmReading

Less than two weeks before ARCADIA'S CHOICE will pop onto the Kindles of all who pre-ordered it. Release day is September 30th!!! Get yours today, and tell your friends. (Don't have a Kindle? It is also available on Smashwords in all formats!)

"In this final installment, Ryan has brought all her characters full circle in a story that will sweep you up, and not let go--not even after the last page. She [Ryan] has seamlessly blended action, romance, paranormal elements alongside a truly tight plot into one helluva story. This is one book (and series) not to be missed!" Shannon Mayer, author of the Rylee Adamson Series and the Nevermore Trilogy

Some gifts just aren’t worth it.

Arcadia is sick of being used and abused for her psychic gifts. It was bad enough to be exploited by a madman, but when the users are closer to home, she must decide how far she is willing to go for others, and when she needs to watch out for herself.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

NINE BY NIGHT Newsletter Subscription Drive & Giveaway!!!! #AmReading

Soooooo....this happened last weekend.

Yes, you are seeing that right. Our box set, NINE BY NIGHT, was #1 on Barnes & Noble NOOK this weekend. Woot, woot! We also came pretty close to cracking the Amazon Top 100, which is HUGE!!!! 

So as a thank you, we NINE BY NIGHT authors are hosting a fantabulous giveaway to share our success. Enter to win over $500 in gift cards, book swag and other prizes. All you have to do is sign up for our news letters -- and since we all write urban fantasy, so that's pretty cool, right? 

And if you haven't picked up NINE BY NIGHT yet, you can do so at the following retailers: 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Readers benefit when authors work together #AmReading

Readers may not be aware of this, but the book industry is unique from most other businesses in that authors love to support other authors. I’m sure this seems strange; authors are after all, direct competitors when it comes to selling their products (books). It’s not like you see Coke and Pepsi joining together for cross promotions. So why does it work so well for books?

It comes down to the readers. Readers don’t read one book, love it and then never read another book for the rest of their life. No, they read a book, love it and try to find another book they will love just as much. For this reason, the more active readers are, the more books they read, the higher book sales are for everyone.

Recently, I was asked to participate in a book bundle called Nine By Night that consists of nine novels, written by nine urban fantasy authors, priced very low at 99¢. Why would authors do this? I mean, it’s practically giving our work away. Easy. Because each of us brings our own fan bases to the table, and we are able to introduce our fans to other great authors. “Collaborating with other authors is a great way to connect with new readers and cross-promote. Plus, it's fun to hang out with other people who write in your genre!” says author Althea Sharp.

You might think getting together nine creative-types to work on a joint project like this would be difficult, but the Nine By Night experience has been great! Each of us has different strengths we bring to the table. Some of us are good at the technical work of formatting and publishing, while others are stronger at marketing and promotion. “I always learn something new when I collaborate with other authors,” says author Boone Brux. “Seeing how others they approach writing or a new release inspires me to tweak my own approach.” The diverse group gives us a lot of talent to draw from.

When asked about how the collaborative experience has been for her, author Lindsey Buroker said, “This is my first time doing a collaborative project, but I've been impressed with all the work people have done already. There's only so much you can do in terms of marketing and promotion on your own, but we have an opportunity to reach a much greater audience since nine people will be plugging the bundle to their email lists and social media contacts. It's already been a great experience!”

For readers, book bundles are great because they give an affordable way to discover new authors that they might otherwise not have taken a chance on. Since most bundles are organized by a common genre or theme, it’s less risky to purchase a bundle when it contains at least one author that you already are familiar with.

Nine By Night: A Multi-Author Urban Fantasy Bundle of Kickass Heroines, Adventure, & Magic is available now everywhere e-books are sold.

Get Nine By Night today for only 99¢

Sunday, August 3, 2014

RELEASE DAY!! Nine books, Nine Authors -- 99 cents!! #UrbanFantasy

Nine books. Nine bestselling authors. Nine heroines that take names—and chances—while confronting dark foes, whether by force of arms or magic, that threaten their entire world.
Over two-thousand pages of epic reading await! Let the adventures begin.

From NYT and USA Today Bestselling Author, SM REINE, WITCH HUNT –– Shaman on the run. Isobel Stonecrow speaks with the dead...for the right price. She brings closure to the bereaved and heals broken hearts. But when she resurrects someone for the wrong client, she ends up on the OPA's most wanted list.

From NYT and USA Today Bestselling author, C.J. ELLISSON, DEATH’S SERVANT –– Jonathan Winchester has clashed with his werewolf alpha one too many times. He returns to Virginia to find work and meets a young waitress, Raine. As their relationship progresses, Jon's embroiled in more intrigue than he bargained for and a danger bigger than he can handle.

From bestselling author, LINDSAY BUROKER, TORRENT –– When Delia chose to major in archaeology, she imagined herself as the female Indiana Jones of the Southwest. She didn't imagine herself stumbling across decapitated bodies in old mine shafts or learning that monsters are real…

From bestselling author, ANTHEA SHARP, SPARK –– What if a high-tech game was a gateway to the treacherous Realm of Faerie? Superstar gamer Spark Jaxley's life might look easy, but she's part of an elite few who guard a shocking secret; the Realm of Faerie exists, and its dark magic is desperate for a foothold in the mortal world.

From bestselling authors BOONE BRUX and C.J. ELLISSON, DEATH TIMES TWO –– The V V Inn has a ghost problem. New grim reaper, Lisa Carron, accepts the job. She quickly learns the hotel is full of the dearly departed—and she’s working for vampires. Throw in Asa, a young vamp hot enough to melt the Arctic ice, and Lisa realizes she’s way out of her element.

From bestselling author, JC ANDRIJESKI, ROOK: ALLIE’S WAR EPISODES 1-4 –– Like most humans, Allie distanced herself from Seers, a race of human-like beings discovered on Earth. Yanked out of her life by the mysterious Revik, Allie finds out her blood may not be as “human” as she thought, the world is nothing like it appears to be...and she has more in common with Seers than she ever wanted to believe.

From bestselling author, ANNIE BELLET, JUSTICE CALLING –– Gamer. Nerd. Sorceress. Jade Crow lives a quiet life running her comic book and game store in Wylde, Idaho. After twenty-five years fleeing from a powerful sorcerer who wants to eat her heart and take her powers, quiet suits her just fine. Surrounded by friends who are even less human than she is, Jade figures she's finally safe. As long as she doesn't use her magic…

From bestselling author, JESI LEA RYAN, ARCADIA’S GIFT –– Teenager Arcadia (Cady) Day’s family tragedy unleashes a hidden power. After experiencing what can only be called a psychic episode, her home life crumbles. As her emotional control slips away, Cady begins to suspect that her first psychic episode was just the beginning…

From Urban Fantasy author, KARA LEGEND, WILD NIGHT ROAD –– One innocent hex sets off a chain reaction of trouble among the shifters of the Kinraven that threatens war between werewolves, seraphim and witches. Lilith Darke will do anything to be free of her seraphim master. All hell breaks loose when rival packs face off only to discover a new, deadly threat that will take all their magick to survive.

Get yours today for only 99¢!